CAF Selected as Preferred Bidder for New Niederrhein Münsterland Rolling Stock

The NRW-RRX model is a vehicle financing model developed by the transport authorities in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia. In a Europe-wide tender the contract partner sought is one who will not just manufacture the vehicles but also maintain them for 30 years. The future operators will be sought in a tender. The transport authorities will then make the vehicles available to the operators. The first time this model was used was for the RRX (Rhein Ruhr Express) vehicles.

Niederrhein-Münsterland Network

The Niederrhein-Münsterland project encompasses seven railway lines: RE10, RE14, RE44, RB31, RB36, RB41 and RB43. Of these, lines RE44, RB31 and RB36 will start carrying passengers in the new rolling stock in December 2025, while the remaining lines will then gradually receive their new trains by December 2028.

In addition to switching from diesel to battery operations on non-electrified lines, the network will also undergo infrastructure modernisations (e.g. signal boxes, lengthening and increasing the height of platforms, storage sidings). These improvements will allow increased capacity through longer trains.

There will be an additional track between Geldern, Krefeld and Neuss and the trains will also run on the reopened line to Kamp-Lintfort.

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