Stadler Signs Contract for 22 Locomotives for ADIF

Stadler says its diesel-electric locomotives are both light and powerful. The diesel engines fulfil all EU norms for safety, emissions (IIIB, ready for level V) and environmental impact. The insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power converter, AC traction motors, the innovative adhesion control system and the high transport capacity combined with the low axle load of the locomotives all have a favourable impact on the operating costs.

ADIF will be able to offer a broad range of support services to train operating companies thanks to these new locomotives. The locomotives, which feature two driver’s cabs, will also include ETCS and the Spanish automatic train protection system ASFA (Anuncio de Señales y Frenado Automático). Furthermore, the locomotives will come equipped with the digital mobile communications system GSM-R. Their maximum power output is 2.8MW. They have a top speed of 160km/h.

Stadler’s consortium partner Erion performs maintenance services for rolling stock for both public and private operators in Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and Germany. Erion is a joint venture between Stadler and the Spanish rail operator RENFE in which Stadler is the majority shareholder.

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