Qatar’s First Catenary Tram Enters Commercial Service Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 11, 20220 Qatar’s first catenary-free tram has entered commercial service. The tramway is also the first Alstom has delivered in the country. The network is 28km with 7km under ground, making it the largest tram system in the Gulf. Lusail tramway, Qatar © Alstom The tramway will serve Lusail, a new city to the north of
KfW Launches Promotional Programmes for Sustainable Mobility Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 10, 20220 KfW Launches Broad-Based Promotional Programmes for Sustainable Mobility Low-interest loans for companies and municipalities to invest in sustainable mobilityPromotion of climate-friendly vehicles as well as infrastructure measures and sustainable digitalisation of mobilityLoan of up to EUR 50 million per project and term of up to 30 years for the standard variant KfW
Germany: Siemens Awarded Contract for Frankfurt’s Digital Train Control System Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 17, 20210 Frankfurt’s public transport provider VGF has awarded the contract for its metro and tram network digital train control system to Siemens Mobility. This comes after funding of 95.5 million euros (107.88m USD) was granted by Hessian’s minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing. Frankfurt Metro Completion of this project will make Frankfurt
Greece: Attiko Metro Adds Citadis X05 Trams to its LRV Fleet Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 17, 20210 Twenty-five Alstom Citadis X05 trams have entered passenger service on Attiko Metro’s Athens and Piraeus network, having completed successful testing. These are the first Alstom trams to run in Greece. Alstom Citadis X05 trams for Athens © Alstom The new additions to Attiko Metro’s light rail vehicle (LRVs) fleet will run at a maximum
Henkel Helps to Get Railway Bogie Cleaning Operations Back on Track Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 9, 20210 Henkel Helps to Get Railway Bogie Cleaning Operations Back on Track Bonderite CMC Gel 7 provides significant benefits for users Henkel offers a broad variety of industrial cleaning solutions under its global leading Bonderite brand. Maintenance companies tasked with cleaning railway can now benefit from Bonderite C-MC Gel 7. This high-performance product
SiC Semiconductor Trial on Siemens Mobility Avenio Tram Successfully Concludes in Munich Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 6, 20210 Siemens Mobility and Stadtwerke München have presented the results of a one-year test trialling silicone carbide (SiC) semiconductor technology in an Avenio tram. During the test phase, the vehicle travelled 65,000km. The test, a joint research project conducted as part of the European development and research programme PINTA, concluded in August. Evaluating
E-Class Trams Begin Operation on Melbourne’s Route 58 this Month Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 6, 20210 Melbourne’s tram network is receiving a boost to its capacity and accessibility as new E-Class trams enter passenger service on Route 58 this month. The latest and largest low-floor, Melbourne-built E-Class trams carry up to 210 passengers and will operate between West Coburg and Toorak from 19 December. They will join the
Union warning as facemasks become compulsory again Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 30, 20210 Facemasks must be worn on all public transport in Britain from this morning, as the first step towards defending the population from the new omicron variant of Covid-19, which has triggered warnings from the world health community. Masks were already compulsory on Transport for London trains, trams and buses as well
3Squared: The Integrated Rail Plan: What Does it Signal? Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 19, 20210 On Thursday 18th November, the long-awaited Integrated Rail Plan (IRP) was released. Significant changes have been made, as unveiled by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, with the aim of providing a “rethink” and the ambition to “deliver rail improvements sooner.” Key highlights from the plan include: A full high-speed east-west line linking Manchester to Leeds will not be
Part of HS2 scrapped in Integrated Rail Plan Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 18, 20210 Transport secretary Grant Shapps has confirmed a budget of £96 billion for his new Integrated Rail Plan. He said the plans for HS2 had been designed 'in isolation from the rest of the transport network', and the eastern leg of HS2 will now go no further than East Midlands Parkway, but the
BLT Signs Contract for 25 Stadler TINA Trams Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 16, 20210 Baselland Transport (BLT) and Stadler have signed a contract for the manufacture and delivery of 25 TINA (total integrated low-floor drive) trams. This comes nine months after the award was first announced. Stadler TINA tram © Stadler The trams will be built at Stadler’s Bussnang, Switzerland plant, with the first going into service in
Ride the nROK 7251 Train to 5G Communication and Video Surveillance Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 16, 20210 Ride the nROK 7251 Train to 5G Communication and Video Surveillance The newest member of NEXCOM’s Mobile Computing Solutions (MCS) railway computing family is here, the nROK 7251. Backed by an Intel® 9th-Generation Core™ CPU, the railway computer is particularly designed for 5G communication and video surveillance with multiple mini-PCIe and M.2 expansion, SIM card, and M12
Delayed rail plan set to axe HS2 eastern leg Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 15, 20210 Delayed rail plan set to axe HS2 eastern leg Reports are claiming that the Department of Transport's long-delayed Integrated Rail Plan is set to be published this week, and it is said to confirm speculation that the government will abandon the eastern leg of HS2 to the West Midlands, South Yorkshire
The First “New Generation Tram” Arrives in Brussels Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 9, 20210 On October 25th, the first “New Generation Tram” arrived in Brussels! The first of the 90 trams will undergo a series of tests, both at the depot and on the rail network, before boarding its first passengers on the Brussels transport network in 2022.The design of the Brussels “New Generation Tram”,
Countdown on to ScotRail strike decision Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 27, 20210 Countdown on to ScotRail strike decision ScotRail is planning to replace striking rail staff with managers and supervisors during COP26 if tonight's 17.00 deadline passes without a last-minute agreement with the RMT over a pay offer. It is reported that the government is not optimistic that there will be a settlement
Milli elektrikli tren gelecek yıl raylarda olacak haber by railsistem - Ekim 26, 20210 Raylı sistem araçları ile kritik bileşenlerinin yerli imkanlarla üretilmesine yönelik çalışmalara hız verilirken bu kapsamda fabrika testleri tamamlanan milli elektrikli trenin gelecek yıl raylarda olması hedefleniyor."2022 Yılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yıllık Programı"ndan derlenen bilgiye göre, raylı sistem araçları güvenli ve konforlu yolculuk imkanı sağlaması ve yük taşımacılığında ekonomik, verimli ve çevre odaklı
Chancellor’s rail investments mostly not new money Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 25, 20210 Chancellor's rail investments mostly not new money Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a £7 billion plan to improve trains and trams, mainly in the midlands and north, but only £1.5 billion of this is new. In a weekend interview, he said there would be £1.07 billion for projects in Greater Manchester,
İzmir Metro A.Ş’de Toplu İş Sözleşmesi görüşmelerinde anlaşmaya varıldı haber by railsistem - Ekim 22, 20210 Görüşmelerin ardından gazetecilere açıklama yapan Giral, İzmir Metro A.Ş 9. dönem toplu iş sözleşmesini imzaladıklarını söyledi.Çalışanların yüzünün gülebileceği şekilde görüşmelerin sonlandığını belirten Giral, "Hep baştan da söyledik, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanımızın da söylemiyle 'eşit işe eşit ücret.' Geldiğimiz noktada çalışanların yüzü güldü. Bundan sonraki hedefimiz diğer sözleşmelerde daha iyi şartlarda,
Light Rail Systems Can Help Urban Areas Recover Post-Pandemic Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 20, 20210 A new report from the Urban Transport Group (UTG) says that protecting light rail services and maintaining the urban connectivity they provide is key to ensuring towns and cities recover from the impact of Covid-19. The report, entitled Leading light: What light rail can do for city regions, looks at how
Alstom Citadis X05 Trams Ordered for Ile-de-France’s T1-Line Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 20, 20210 Ile-de-France Mobilités and RATP have ordered 37 Alstom Citadis X05 trams for the Ile-de-France T1-Line. Citadis X05 Alstom tramway in commercial service in Vitry-Sur-Seine, France – April 2021 The order, worth approximately 130 million euros (151.54m USD), is to replace the current tram fleet. An optional further order for 83 trams is
Alstom Citadis X05 Trams Ordered for Ile-de-France’s T1-Line Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 20, 20210 Ile-de-France Mobilités and RATP have ordered 37 Alstom Citadis X05 trams for the Ile-de-France T1-Line. Citadis X05 Alstom tramway in commercial service in Vitry-Sur-Seine, France – April 2021 The order, worth approximately 130 million euros (151.54m USD), is to replace the current tram fleet. An optional further order for 83 trams is
Alstom Citadis X05 Trams Ordered for Ile-de-France’s T1-Line Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 20, 20210 Ile-de-France Mobilités and RATP have ordered 37 Alstom Citadis X05 trams for the Ile-de-France T1-Line. Citadis X05 Alstom tramway in commercial service in Vitry-Sur-Seine, France – April 2021 The order, worth approximately 130 million euros (151.54m USD), is to replace the current tram fleet. An optional further order for 83 trams is
Alstom Citadis X05 Trams Ordered for Ile-de-France’s T1-Line Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 20, 20210 Ile-de-France Mobilités and RATP have ordered 37 Alstom Citadis X05 trams for the Ile-de-France T1-Line. Citadis X05 Alstom tramway in commercial service in Vitry-Sur-Seine, France – April 2021 The order, worth approximately 130 million euros (151.54m USD), is to replace the current tram fleet. An optional further order for 83 trams is
İzmir’de metro ve tramvay çalışanları, uzlaşılmazsa 22 Ekim’de greve çıkacak haber by railsistem - Ekim 20, 20210 Türkiye Demiryolu İşçileri Sendikası İzmir Şube Başkanı Hamdullah Giral, Anadolu Ajansı'na (AA) Metro A.Ş ile yaptıkları 627 çalışanı kapsayan toplu iş sözleşmesi görüşmelerden sonuç alınamamasının ardından aldıkları grev kararını, 12 Ekim'de astıklarını hatırlattı.İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Tunç Soyer'in görevlendirdiği kurulla görüşmeler yaptıklarını ve çözümü Soyer'den beklediklerini ilettiklerini ifade eden Giral,
Simulation: How Much Road Space Do Cars Take? Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 7, 20210 An animation video shows how much space cars take up in our cities and why cities should promote public and active modes of transport. Placed side by side, it becomes clear how much road space the various modes of transportation require. © PTV Group In many ways, Covid has spurred discussion about how
Alstom Delivers 100th Flexity LRV to World’s Largest Tram Network Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 4, 20210 Alstom has delivered its 100th and final Flexity light rail vehicle (LRV) to the Department of Transport in Victoria. This is for use on the Melbourne tram network – the world’s largest tram network, which spans over 250 kilometres of double track. Alstom has delivered its 100th and final Flexity LRV to
25 milyon sterlinlik hava koşullarına maruz kalan demiryolunu kurtarma planı Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 1, 20210 Hava durumu kurtarmak için £25m planı demiryolu hırpalanmış Sadece son iki yılda beş büyük iniş tarafından engellenen Galler sınırlarındaki bir demiryolunu kurtarmak için 25 milyon sterlinlik bir planın detayları yayınlandı. Lydney üzerinden Newport ve Gloucester arasındaki hat Severn Haliç'in yanından geçiyor. Aşırı hava koşulları demiryolunu defalarca kapattı ve 200.000'den fazla treni
£25m plan to save weather-battered railway Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ekim 1, 20210 £25m plan to save weather-battered railway Details have been published of a £25 million plan to rescue a railway on the Welsh borders which has been blocked by five major landslips in the past two years alone. The line between Newport and Gloucester via Lydney runs alongside the Severn Estuary. Extreme
Keolis-MHI Joint Venture Begins Operations of Dubai Metro and Tram Networks Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Eylül 24, 20210 The Keolis-MHI Rail Management and Operation LLC consortium, led by Keolis – a subsidiary of SNCF and CDPQ (Caisse de dépot et placement du Quebec) and Mitsubishi Corporation – has begun operating the Dubai Metro and Dubai Tram networks. Dubai Metro © Dubai Road Transport Authority At a total length of 90 kilometres,
UK railway roundup Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Eylül 24, 20210 This week’s roundup of news from the UK railway industry. Rail freight ‘never been more crucial’ amid HGV driver shortage The rail industry is claiming a surge in the movement of goods by train shows it can help ensure supermarket shelves remain stocked during the lorry driver shortage. Office of Rail and Road
Date for Isle of Wight reopening announced Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Eylül 22, 20210 Rail industry goes green to mark car free day WEDNESDAY BRIEFING Date for Isle of Wight reopening announced South Western Railway has announced that the upgraded Island Line is set to reopen on 1 November, subject to a final round of safety tests being completed. The line will use modernised former
Metrolink tram drivers to strike after ‘pitiful’ pay offer Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Eylül 14, 20210 Metrolink tram drivers to strike after 'pitiful' pay offer Tram drivers in Manchester are set to strike on 25 and 26 September, after 97 per cent voted in favour of walkouts in protest at what their union Unite has described as a 'pitiful' pay offer. The strikes will coincide with two
Alstom to Supply 35 Additional Citadis Trams to Lyon Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Eylül 3, 20210 Alstom is supply a further 35 Citadis trams to the city of Lyon, France. SYTRAL, Lyon’s public transport authority, has ordered an additional 35 Citadis trams as part of the Destination 2026 plan. Under this plan, the French city will see the introduction of new tram lines and the extension of
Knorr-Bremse to Supply Brake Systems for Czech Rolling Stock Orders Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Eylül 3, 20210 Knorr-Bremse has signed a contract with Czech rolling stock manufacturer Škoda Transportation for the supply equipment for light rail vehicles and commuter trains. Rendering of the tram for Brno © Skoda Transportation The contract is valued in the low millions (euros) and the vehicles will predominantly operate in the Czech Republic. Specifically, Knorr-Bremse
İzmir’de metro ve tramvay çalışanlarından sivil kıyafet ve sakal bırakma eylemi haber by railsistem - Ağustos 27, 20210 Hamdullah Giral, gazetecilere yaptığı açıklamada, İzmir Metro AŞ'de belediyenin işveren sendikası Sosyal Demokrat Kamu İşverenleri Sendikası (SODEM-SEN) ile yürüttükleri TİS görüşmelerinde uzlaşı sağlanamadığını, arabulucu sürecinin de sonlandığını bildirdi.Yaklaşık 250 çalışanın asgari ücret aldığını, eğitim ve yakacak gibi sosyal yardımlarda diğer belediye şirketleriyle aralarında büyük farklar bulunduğunu ileri süren Giral, İzmir
SYSTRA Returns to Brest for New Tramway and Electric Bus Project Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ağustos 26, 20210 Nearly ten years after bringing the city’s first tramway line into service, SYSTRA has returned to Brest to oversee a new urban transport project. SYSTRA Returns to Brest with New Tramway and Electric Bus Project The company has been chosen by Brest Métropole to oversee project management of a second tramway
Consortium Demonstrates Autonomous Tram in Depot Research Project Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ağustos 25, 20210 A consortium consisting of Siemens Mobility, ViP Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) and Codewerk began their research in October 2019. The project has been split between the partners. Siemens is developing the self-driving tram in the depot and the
Work to Link South Wales Metro Control Centre to the Rail Network Begins Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ağustos 6, 20210 Work will begin later this month to link the South Wales Metro Control Centre to the rail network. Transport for Wales Taffs Well Control Centre © Transport for Wales This is in preparation for the arrival of the new 150m GBP (176.53m euros | 208.98m USD) fleet of metro tram-trains. The scheme includes raising
Metrolink tram services reduced to manage COVID-related absences Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ağustos 5, 20210 Metrolink has announced a temporary reduced timetable due to coronavirus-related staff absences from August 6. Staff for operator KeolisAmey Metrolink (KAM) are continuing to work in challenging circumstances to keep people moving across the network. Also see However, daily delays have been occurring across the network because staff are either off with COVID-19,
Manchester tram services recover after mystery damage Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 27, 20210 WORK is continuing today in a bid to discover how 43 Manchester Metrolink trams were damaged, forcing their withdrawal from service yesterday. Metrolink operator KAM (KeolisAmey Metrolink) is expecting to run a normal service today, following emergency repairs. It appears that an infrastructure fault damaged the trams, and KAM is continuing to
Croydon tram inquest was ‘justice suffocated’ Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 23, 20210 THE families of seven people who were killed when a tram overturned at speed on a tight curve near Croydon on 9 November 2016 say they are 'deeply disappointed' with the result of an inquest into the deaths. Another 51 passengers were injured, eight of them seriously. A jury found that the
Anger as inquest jury rules that Croydon tram crash victims died accidentally Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 22, 20210 Photo: Rail Accident Investigation Branch The families of Croydon tram crash victims have demanded a new inquest into their deaths after a jury concluded they died as a result of an accident and were not unlawfully killed. Seven passengers died and a further 51 were injured when the tram derailed in
LeadMind Accelerates Diagnostics during Oslo Tram Testing Phase Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 22, 20210 In 2018, CAF won a contract to supply 87 Urbos trams to Sporveien, Oslo’s public transport operator. Now, following some delay due to COVID-19, the first units are in testing and CAF is using its fleet operation and maintenance digital platform LeadMind. Thanks to the platform’s real-time data and advanced analytics
Over a Century of Tradition Represents Real Commitment Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 19, 20210 Over a Century of Tradition Represents Real Commitment GGT GMEINDER GETRIEBETECHNIK GmbH, situated in Mosbach, has a long history. It was the brainchild of two men, August Steinmetz and Anton Gmeinder, who started the company Steinmetz Gmeinder KG in 1913. Six years later, after one owner left, the company was renamed
Heathrow Express to insist on facemasks Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 16, 20210 PASSENGERS on Heathrow Express will still have to wear face coverings from Monday, as transport operators choose whether to lift the compulsory masks rule when the government lifts formal restrictions in England. Masks will also continue to be necessary on all Transport for London services, Manchester Metrolink trams and in other
Shapps: London mask policy ‘in line with’ Government’s thinking Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 14, 20210 Photos: PA Media Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has supported a decision to make masks compulsory on the London Underground, despite his own Government scrapping the mandatory wearing of face coverings. Shapps said the move is in line with what ministers want to happen, despite Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to lift
Face masks to remain mandatory on London transport Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 14, 20210 Photo: PA Media Face masks must be worn on London’s transport network, even after the legal restrictions have been lifted on July 19. Sadiq Khan has asked Transport for London (TfL) to enforce the use of mask wearing on buses and trains as a condition of carriage. The London mayor said he
Transport campaigners condemn facemasks plan Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 13, 20210 PLANS to let rail and bus operators choose whether to enforce the wearing of facemasks from next Monday have left transport campaigners 'disappointed'. The Prime Minister said last night that 'We expect and recommend that people wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with
CAF Secures Two New Service Contracts in Sweden Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 12, 20210 The Swedish national rail transport operator SJ AB has awarded EuroMaint Rail AB, a CAF Group subsidiary, two service contracts totalling over 100m euros (118.65m USD). Euromaint staff at work © CAF / Euromaint The operator selected EuroMaint to provide maintenance services for 12 years for the fleet of trains that run on
Facemask uncertainty divides industry Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 6, 20210 POSSIBLE changes to rules about wearing facemasks on trains and other public transport from 19 July have caused confusion. In general, the requirement seems set to be scrapped, although that will be subject to confirmation on 12 July, but health secretary Sajid Javid has just signalled in a breakfast television interview
Alstom and MVB Sign Contract for New Flexity Trams Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 2, 20210 The new trams are scheduled for delivery starting in 2023 and are expected to enter passenger service in 2024. They will replace old TATRA vehicles and then successively replace the city’s first low-floor trams, originally delivered in the 1990s. In view of increasing passenger numbers and route extensions related to the
Mechan Bogies Streamline Metro Maintenance Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Temmuz 1, 20210 Mechan Bogies Streamline Metro Maintenance Sheffield-based rail depot equipment specialist, Mechan, has been called upon by Midland Metro, the operator of West Midlands Metro, to keep its tram maintenance programme on track. The manufacturer has produced three bespoke accommodation bogies for the Wednesbury depot, to enable carriages to be stored outside whilst
Solutions for Isolating the Permanent Way Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 30, 20210 Solutions for Isolating the Permanent Way from the Surroundings: Effective Vibration and Structure-Borne Sound Protection Mass-Spring Systems Different design variants as continuous elastic support, stripe or point support perfectly suit the needs and demands for your application. Due to their special design the USM series cover a wide range of natural frequencies
CAF Announces Contracts in Belgium, Australia and Turkey Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 30, 20210 The CAF Group has secured tram supply extension contracts in Belgium and Australia, worth a combined value of nearly 100m euros (119.05m USD), in addition to a new signalling installation contract in Turkey. De Lijn tram © CAF Group In Belgium, De Lijn has approved the purchase of a further 18 trams. This
Scottish Government Offers Additional Financial Support to Light Rail Operators Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 29, 20210 “We're beginning to see some signs of recovery in public transport patronage in the city. To support this, we’re operating a normal tram timetable, which also helps maintain physical distancing. “Many of our regular customers, however, continue to work from home, international and domestic air travel is still significantly curtailed and
CAF Signs Two New Contracts in Germany Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 21, 20210 The CAF Group has secured two contracts in Germany, further attesting to its commitment to the country, where the group is currently supplying electric units to operator Schönbuchbahn. Together the new contracts value almost 200m euros (237.06m USD). Freiburg tram The first contract is to supply 51 LRV units, along with all relevant spare
Texelis’s Modernisation & Maintenance for Mobility Sub-Systems Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 15, 20210 To meet the new needs of its clients, Texelis has tasked its most skilled engineers and high-tech facilities with the maintenance, upgrade and repair of existing mobility systems including bogies, gearboxes and wheelsets. One of the major places where this is taking place is at Texelis’s operating site in Limoges. The
Toronto to Get 60 New Flexity Trams Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 3, 20210 The Flexity trams for Toronto will be five-car uni-directional vehicles. Alstom will adapt its light rail vehicle to accommodate TTC’s requirements as well as those of the city’s streetcar network. The transit commission has received 204 streetcars so far. This contract is good news for Alstom’s site in Thunder Bay,
‘Handyman’ locomotive transferred to Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 3, 20210 Photo: National Railway Museum Industrial 3ft narrow-gauge locomotive Handyman has joined the Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust following a permanent transfer from the Science Museum Group. The locomotive travelled from the National Railway Museum in York to Statfold, ready for public display in time for the Enthusiast Weekend: Trangkil 50 event on
‘Handyman’ locomotive transferred to Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 3, 20210 Photo: National Railway Museum Industrial 3ft narrow-gauge locomotive Handyman has joined the Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust following a permanent transfer from the Science Museum Group. The locomotive travelled from the National Railway Museum in York to Statfold, ready for public display in time for the Enthusiast Weekend: Trangkil 50 event on
‘Handyman’ locomotive transferred to Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Haziran 3, 20210 Photo: National Railway Museum Industrial 3ft narrow-gauge locomotive Handyman has joined the Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust following a permanent transfer from the Science Museum Group. The locomotive travelled from the National Railway Museum in York to Statfold, ready for public display in time for the Enthusiast Weekend: Trangkil 50 event on
RAIB inquest into 2016 Croydon tram crash opens Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mayıs 17, 20210 Photo: RAIB An inquest into the Croydon tram derailment in 2016 -which caused the deaths of seven people – has opened. A further 51 people were injured when the derailment happened in south London on November 9, 2016. Also see The inquest was initially due to begin in October 2020, but was postponed
First of new West Midlands trams arrives Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mayıs 14, 20210 THE first of eight additional trams for West Midlands Metro has been delivered from Spain. Five of the eight CAF trams will be needed later this year when extensions open in Birmingham and Wolverhampton, and have batteries as well as a conventional pantograph so that they can run on sections where
Manchester’s Metrolink Tops One Hundred Million Kilometres Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mayıs 13, 20210 Greater Manchester’s fleet of a 123 Metrolink trams last month clocked up more than one hundred million kilometres of service, an average of 37,000km a weekday, since being introduced in 2009. Bury tram pulling into Whitefield Metrolink stop at sunrise. © Transport for Greater Manchester The total, which now stands at 100,431,125km, includes
Full HRA Awards results: record entries; Dartmouth Steam Railway big winners Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mayıs 6, 20210 The Dartmouth Steam Railway were the big winners at the 2021 Heritage Railway Association (HRA) awards – which were hosted virtually due to COVID-19. Closely beating Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway, Didcot Railway Centre, the Seaton Tramway and the Statfold Barn Railway, Dartmouth scooped the Outstanding Visitor Attraction for a
New Construction Type of Push Buttons for Glass Doors Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Nisan 26, 20210 TSL-ESCHA’s door opening push button PK52 is now available for installation in glass doors of buses and trains. San Francisco (USA), Calgary (Canada), West Midlands (UK), Stockholm (Sweden), Hamburg (Germany), Minsk (Belarus), Moscow (Russia) – PK52 door opening push buttons are spread across the globe in a wide range of vehicles.
FCSC: A Fresh Approach to Depot Safety that’s FirstClass Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Nisan 7, 20210 FCSC: A Fresh Approach to Depot Safety that’s FirstClass Essex-based safety control system specialist FirstClass Safety & Control (FirstClass) have been supplying safety control systems for over 20 years. The company was created following a management buyout of the safety control division of Beck & Pollitzer back in 2017 and has continued
connect@rail: A Condition Monitoring System for Rail Vehicles and Infrastructure Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Nisan 6, 20210 ZF is one of the world’s technology leaders when it comes to driveline, chassis, and safety technology for rail. It offers components and systems that make railway traffic more powerful without neglecting passenger safety and comfort. Based on over 90 years of the Group’s experience, manufacturers and operators of rail vehicles can
IMA Dresden – The Test Centre for the Rail Vehicle Industry Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Nisan 1, 20210 IMA Dresden – The Test Centre for the Rail Vehicle Industry We are the independent and accredited test centre for rail vehicles; we support manufacturers and suppliers in the development process and assist transport companies with damage analysis and product optimisation. Specifically, this means that we test and validate bogies, railcar bodies
Milestone for TSL-ESCHA with One Million Hand Rail Buttons Sold Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mart 30, 20210 The inscriptions and pictographs are protected by a scratch-resistant, transparent plastic cover. This ensures consistently good visibility of the pictograph and prevents fading. By selecting a high-quality plastic for the coloured housings, the minimum contrast value required from the EN 16584-1:2017 standard is also met permanently. The variety of pictographs and
Hitachi Rail Uses Knorr-Bremse for Turin Trams Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mart 25, 20210 Hitachi Rail has selected Knorr-Bremse to manufacture the hydraulic brake systems, entrance and HVAC systems for 30 new light rail vehicles for the Italian city of Turin. The contract includes an option to fit the systems for 40 further units. Hitachi will supply the light rail vehicles to its customer, GTT
Transport for London agrees more funding worth up to £485m Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mart 22, 20210 A SHORT-TERM funding settlement from the government has been accepted by Transport for London. The deal was placed on the table at the end of last week, but the Mayor of London did not accept it immediately. There will be an additional £260 million in ‘base funding’ plus additional revenue support
The German Centre for Rail Transport Research during the European Year of Rail 2021 Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Mart 15, 20210 The DZSF will focus on topics such as increasing network capacity, connecting to other modes of transport and cyber security in 2021. However, those are just a few key topics. The DZSF will look at automated trams, a project it has been working on in a consortium since the end
Skoda Transportation to Supply Trams to Brandenburg Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Şubat 18, 20210 Czech rolling stock manufacturer Škoda Transportation will supply low-floor trams to the German state of Brandenburg. The German towns of Frankfurt an der Oder (note: this is a different Frankfurt to Germany’s main financial hub) and Brandenburg an der Havel as well as the city of Cottbus have placed a joint
Rail Grinding Equals Quiet Travelling Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Şubat 15, 20210 With Plasser & Theurer’s newly developed rail grinding machine for light rail and trams, rail traffic is easy on the ears: trains travel more quietly on ground rails. The world’s first ATMO (Automatic Track Machine Oscillator) was developed as part of Shift2Rail and combines two working methods. An Enhanced Rail Grinding
ZF: Greater Efficiency and Reliability for Graz Linien Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Şubat 4, 20210 The Future of Condition Monitoring is Digital: Greater Efficiency and Reliability for Graz Linien Graz public transit authority to install Infrastructure and Driveline Monitoring System from ZF in the first ten of more than 40 planned vehicles Digitalization solution simplifies maintenance planning, prepares light rail for comprehensive condition and infrastructure monitoring Since December
Hitachi Rail Successfully Tests First Battery-Powered Tram Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Şubat 1, 20210 Hitachi Rail has tested its first battery-powered tram in Florence, Italy. Most trams run under overhead wires, which come with a greater initial capital outlay and are visually unattractive. Battery trams can reduce the visual impact in urban areas, which is especially interesting in historic city centres such as Florence. Hitachi Rail’s
The Role of the Rail in the Wheel-Rail-System Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 27, 20210 The rail plays a central role in the wheel-rail-system. It must both guide the wheel and absorb any frictional forces that arise. In order to reliably fulfill these functions, regular maintenance intervals and predictive maintenance are of crucial importance. The interaction of wheel and rail brings movement to passenger and freight
Stadler Delivers First Citylink Tram-Train to Hungary Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 21, 20210 Stadler has transported its first Citylink tram-train from Valencia in Spain to Szentes, Hungary, where it is now housed in its temporary home, the maintenance depot of Hungarian Railway Company MÁV. The three-car Citylink prototype was transported by special shipment, a journey that lasted nine days. Stadler will deliver a further
TfL fares to rise in March, as report reveals ‘£2bn funding gap’ Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 15, 20210 FARES on Transport for London services will rise by 2.6 per cent in general on 1 March, but the mayor of London Sadiq Khan says some single pay as you go Underground, DLR, London Overground and TfL rail fares will not change. The rises are the first since before the present
Alstom urges closing of ‘green gaps’ in British urban transport Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 13, 20210 ALSTOM has published a report which recommends new tram systems in a number of British cities as a way of making urban transport greener. This would be alongside the introduction of up to 400 hydrogen-powered trains. The areas identified by Alstom range from Tees Valley in the north east to Plymouth
Alstom Citadis X05 Trams Enter Service in Kaohsiung Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 12, 20210 The trams are fully low floor. They have double doors for better accessibility and passenger flow. They also have large bay windows, ergonomic, spacious seats and large passenger information displays. The Citadis trams use ground charging coupled with Citadis Ecopack technology. One of the ways in which Alstom has increased the
Network Rail and Partners Launch Tram Train Pilot Learning Hub Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 11, 20210 Network Rail, the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) and Stagecoach Supertram have launched the Tram Train Pilot Learning Hub, which draws on all the information gathered from the joint experience of designing, building and operating the first tram train system in Britain. Tram trains are special in that the same
Alstom Supplies Ground-Charging Technology to Turkish Tramway Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 5, 20210 Alstom has supplied its ground-charging technology for tramsways to the Eminonu-Alibeykoy line in Istanbul, Turkey. Alstom’s APS system will now provide power for the trams running on the 10.1km Eminonu-Alibeykoy tramway. The tramway, which features 14 stations in total, opened the 9km stretch between Balat and Alibeykoy on 1 January 2021.
Alstom Completes Test Run for Algeria Tramway Project Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Ocak 4, 20210 For this project Alstom is responsible for the supply of the integrated system, the tracks, catenaries, telecommunications and signalling equipment, substations and ticketing facilities. The rolling stock for the network is the Alstom Citadis, manufactured in Annaba (Algeria) by Cital, Alstom’s local joint venture since 2010. source=
Continental Links Secure Paris Tram Depot Order for Mechan Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 22, 20200 Sheffield-based manufacturer, Mechan, is joining forces with its French parent company, CIM, to equip a new state-of-the-art tram depot on the outskirts of Paris. The rail maintenance specialist has produced a set of 18 lightweight lifting jacks and a bogie turntable for the facility. Mechan’s equipment will be used to service a
Bombardier to Supply Up to 117 FLEXITY Trams to Berlin Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 17, 20200 The initial call-off will boost Berlin’s FLEXITY tram fleet by three five-car units and 17 nine-car units. The nine-car trams will have a length of 50m, which is 10m longer than the current BVG trams. The bogies for these trams are also low-noise, which will cut down on noise pollution
SNEAK PEAK of Bombardier’s First Car Body for Dresden Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 14, 20200 The light rail vehicles for Dresden will be low-floor articulated vehicles. Each vehicle will comprise five cars. The car body is made up of the underframe, side walls and the roof as well as fronts for the end cars. These structural components are welded at Görlitz. During this process, the
Zurich to Get 40 Additional FLEXITY Trams Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 11, 20200 Zurich received its first FLEXITY in November 2019, when it underwent testing on the network. It then entered passenger service in October 2020. The FLEXITY for Zurich is fully low-floor. The doors are wider to make the trams more accessible. To increase the energy-efficiency of the trams they have been equipped
New BTP chief constable named Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Aralık 3, 20200 THE next chief constable of British Transport Police has been named as Lucy D’Orsi, who is presently the deputy assistant commissioner for Specialist Operations at the Metropolitan Police. The first woman to lead BTP, she will join in the New Year, shortly before the current chief Paul Crowther retires in February. Lucy
Support for rail services set to rise to £8bn this year Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 25, 20200 THE price of keeping trains running in England during lockdown restrictions, when passenger figures and revenues fall sharply, is set to reach a total of £8 billion in the year to March 2021. The figure appears in the small print which accompanied today’s Spending Review. Light rail and trams in the provinces,
Cologne to Get 64 Trams from Alstom-Kiepe Electric Consortium Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 25, 20200 Cologne’s public transport authority, Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG, KVB, has chosen the consortium comprising Alstom and Kiepe Electric to supply 64 low-floor trams. The order, worth 363 million euros, is based on Alstom’s Citadis platform. Alstom’s share in the contract is 60 percent, Kiepe Electric’s is 40 percent. Rendering of the Alstom Citadis
Crossrail 2 Issues Update Statement Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 19, 20200 Crossrail 2, which is promoted by Transport for London and Network Rail, has issued an update statement in light of the current finances of TfL. The funding agreement between the government and TfL from 31 October 2020 contains a commitment by TfL regarding Crossrail 2 that TfL “prioritises safeguarding activity and
Experts in Advanced Reliable Electrical Connections Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 17, 20200 Flexible Connection for Telecommunications Well-known suppliers of infrastructure and onboard equipment rely on the Stäubli connectors. When it comes to providing reliable service for voice and data communications from the driver cockpits in metros, trams and trains to the control centres advanced telecommunication equipment is implemented. These systems receive and transmit
Île-de-France Region to Get 13 Additional Tram-Trains Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 17, 20200 Citadis Dualis Tram-Trains As tram-trains, the Citadis Dualis units connect urban centres with their surrounding suburbs without disruption, as they are able to run on tram lines as well as on regional rail networks. With the same gauge as a tram, these Citadis Dualis tram-trains can operate in towns. Once on
Alstom Completes Phase 1 of Qatari Light Rail Project Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 12, 20200 Alstom has completed the first phase of the light rail project for the planned city of Lusail, which is currently being built near Doha in Qatar. This initial phase has a single-track catenary-free line measuring 9.7km and a single-track underground line measuring 12.8km. There are 16 stations, of which one is
Hydrogen Is a Distraction Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 12, 20200 There is a lot of buzz about hydrogen trains and hydrogen technology at the moment. Hydrogen trains are already in commercial operation in Germany and are being tested in the Netherlands and the UK. And they have their place. However, their contribution to decarbonising transport is tiny and the danger is
Post-Pandemic Travel – the Things You Need to Know Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 10, 20200 The coronavirus pandemic has impacted almost every area of life – from the way we work to the way we shop, our daily routines are certainly looking very different from just a few months ago. However, whilst the places we go may have changed, the way we get to them,
Croydon tram derailment inquest delayed Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 6, 20200 AN inquest into the deaths of seven people who were travelling on the tram which overturned on a sharp curve near Croydon almost four years ago has been postponed until next year because of the pandemic. The accident on a junction at Sandilands occurred early on the morning of 9 November
Casablanca to Get 66 New Citadis X05 Trams Yurtdışı Haberleri by railsistem - Kasım 6, 20200 Casa Transports, the company operating Casablanca’s public transport services, has chosen Alstom to supply 66 Citadis X05 trams. The contract signed by the two parties includes an option for a further 22 trams for the city’s lines 3 and 4, which are scheduled to start carrying passengers in late 2023. This