Trolley News from Santa!

In the spirit of Christmas, we would like to share a message from Santa.

‘Last year really took a toll on my sleigh and although I have many helpers available to make some adjustments, I really wanted them to take care of producing some extra special gifts as the COVID-19 pandemic has really impacted on everyone so much this year. So a few months back, I reached out to Korita Aviation to see if they could help!

Thankfully They Could!

After consulting together with the Korita Aviation sales team, I decided to opt for their ATLAS standard full size trolleys as they are strong and durable trolleys, which will be able to hold up to the load, yet light enough to not cause too many moans and groans from my reindeer Dasher, who loves to go fast!

So here is my tip. For a desirable lead time and an aesthetically pleasing trolley that can stand up to large scale operations worldwide, just reach out to Korita Aviation!’

So You Have Heard It from Santa!

Are you ready to take a look at our trolley range? Use the quick links below:

Korita Aviation Trolley Range

Reach out to our sales team and schedule a call to discuss your immediate and future requirements.

This article was originally published by Korita Aviation.

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